All mamas know it can sometimes be too easy to get in the habit of saying “no”, whether it’s telling your kids they can’t play on the jungle gym or that they need to put their toys down right away! What if we told you that saying “yes” more often might actually be key to your child’s development? Yep, you heard us right! EtonHouse’s upcoming Science Behind Play Talk addresses why playtime is so important in early childhood years and how to make the most of it for little ones who are just beginning to explore and discover the world around them.
Researchers have long advocated the importance of childhood play as a primary mode of learning for young children, and while it’s supposed to be a central component of Hong Kong’s educational institutions, it often gets overlooked for more structured lessons and academic development. This talk will delve into the scientific aspect of learning behaviour and fill parents in on the significance of exploration, hypothesis testing and discovery through early childhood play!
Led by keynote speaker Dr. Wang Zhenlin, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at The Hong Kong Institute of Education, this is sure to be an interesting and engaging talk that will add to your parenting knowledge repertoire, and just might gain a few extra play sessions for your kid! Score!
All the details:
What: EtonHouse Science Behind Play Talk
When: Saturday, 1 November, 10am onwards
Where: 102, 1/F, Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam
RSVP: Fill out the form below to reserve your spot.
This event is now over. Keep an eye out for our future Sassy Mama events!