Good Vibes Only
In this edition of Cribz, we head over to our co-founder, Maura’s flat to check out her daughter’s gorgeous room. This original sassy gal, little lady Eve shows us her playful self as she relaxes, rests and recharges in her own room! From the open space, natural light from the windows and soft pale pinks, purples and greys, we’re sensing only chill zen vibes (which is key for any toddler room!). Maura dishes on what inspired this room’s colour palette, her favourite online home decor shops and where she catches a snooze from time to time!
How would you describe this room? Which style would best describe the room?
When Eve was born I didn’t know whether she was a boy or a girl so I decorated her nursery with a lot of whites and bright colours which could blend well with either a boy or a girl. After having her I noticed I started to blend in softer colours into her room and this has definitely transitioned into her current big girl room (we recently moved!). I have used quite a bit of soft purples, pinks and grey in the space as we have a lot of bright colour in the rest of our apartment, so for Eve’s room I wanted it to be a place that felt soft and comforting to her.
Where did you get your inspiration from?
I love these dolls from Pottery Barn and were inspired by them when creating Eve’s room. There is something so soft and pretty about them without coming off as too sugary sweet in my opinion. They feel peaceful and stylish and the soft colours have definitely inspired the main colour palette in Eve’s room. Totally not Cribz related but I have been known to bulk order these dolls when they are on sale to have on hand for when birthday party season comes around. They have been a total time saver which has saved me stress on the day of a kids birthday party!
How did you get your kiddo involved with designing her room?
I have bought a number of things from Etsy, such as Eve’s flamingo bedding, or Society6, like the decorative pillows that are in her room and I tend to have Eve decide between a few options I have picked out so she’s part of the decision making process.
We all get a lot of art from our kids, how do you display it?
I must admit, I feel like a #badmum in this department. I either tuck them away in a closet or sadly, some of her pieces have made its way into the trash bin (so sorry Eve!). I did just hear about a company called Little Bug Prints, which takes a selection of your kids original artwork and professionally photographs it and frames it all in one piece of art. I may check that out as it seems like a cool idea as my current method is in no way sentimental or even encouraging for Eve to keep being artistic!
Read more: Little Bug Prints: Keep Your L’il Picasso’s Artwork Framed
What was the hardest part of decorating this room?
To be honest, Eve’s room is the largest bedroom in our house so my challenge was how to fill the space up without spending lots of money on decorating it. I wanted it to feel homey rather than spacious and distant. The Decor8 table we have in the middle of the room has made the space feel more inviting.
What part of the room are you most proud of?
I love Eve’s teepee area in her room which was a gift from one of her besties for her birthday last year and I love the look that the teepee gives to the space. It is a nice little escape for her and I am not going to lie, I have squeezed myself in there for a mini snooze or two. I will often find Eve in there reading a book and enjoying herself and to me it is just the sweetest thing…
Another part of Eve’s room that I love are the shelves in her entryway that stores some of our favourite decorative storybooks along with pictures of our family. It is very important to us that Eve feels connected to her family members back in the US and we have had pictures of our family up in her room since she was born. I really think seeing them every day and being able to take the frames down (they are plastic so no glass breakage!) and talk about who they are has really helped with her connecting to them even if they do live so far away.
Is there anything in the room you would like to change?
I am not ready to do this yet BUT we have a couch in Eve’s room that could only be brought in via the window as it couldn’t fit through the door. It was totally dramatic getting it into the space and I know it won’t be an easy process removing it. I am nervous for the day I want to move on from it cause when it comes to decorating I tend to want to make changes quickly.
So the moment I am over this specific couch I am afraid I will have to live with it for a while as I don’t want the challenge of having to get it out of the house via the window! It’s the things you don’t think about when moving furniture into a space. Yes, Eve’s room can totally fit the sofa but we never thought how it would fit down a narrow hallway or door entryway!
What are your favourite design or furniture stores in Hong Kong? Any online options that you love?
I love the kids section at Mirth. It just feels so lovely to me. I also am a big fan of Petite Bazaar and Indigo Kids and as I mentioned I love Eve’s table that we got from Decor8 as it is a nice centrepiece for her room. For online options, I love Pottery Barn, Land of Nod and of course Etsy and Society6 for prints and pillows.
Read more: Best Homeware Stores in Hong Kong
What advice would you give to parents who want to redecorate their kid’s rooms?
Kids likes and dislikes change so much so if you are going to spend money on things, I say spend it on pieces you know will last a while and they (hopefully!) won’t have super strong opinions about. I also think that you need to be open to their interests and find fun ways to blend their style with yours.
If they love princesses and you aren’t so into the idea, perhaps get some really awesome and inspiring princess quote prints from Etsy (and use frames which you can easily swap out for new prints when their likes change). If they are obsessed with Star Wars, you can add some cool pillows that blend in great with your own personal colour preferences and taste while also satisfying their newly discovered favourites.
Read more: Check out more of our Cribz features here
Thanks to the talented Jenna Louise Potter from Lucky Fish Photography for all of the beautiful images above! Follow her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/luckyfishphotography
If you think your bubba or kiddo has a cool room, send us a picture at [email protected] and your room might be featured!